WWE Royal Rumble 2012 Wallpaper | 25th Anniversary

The Road To The Greatest Event In Wrestling History Begins…Now.
Woah, we’re here again; back at the official start of the year as far as WWE is concerned. It’s cool how things are already heated-up at this point on Raw and SmackDown!, but once the Rumble is over and WrestleMania inches closer, things are bound to get a whole lot more chaotic. We already have one main event in The Rock vs John Cena, but what about the rest of the matches? Who will be that one lucky superstar who gets a golden-ticket to pick ANY champion to face at WrestleMania 28 in Miami, Fl? Any guesses?
This year’s event looks interesting because of the number of “could-be’s” that are in the Rumble match. Normally you’d be able to make your pick weeks in advance, but not this time around. Chris Jericho could win his first Rumble and go on to take on CM Punk in what is now one of the most anticipated feuds in recent memory. Or Wade Barrett could bag the win and maybe face Daniel Bryan? What if it’s The Miz? He could persevere throughout the entire match and end up winning. And besides just winning, feuds have been born at the Rumble out of bitterness of elimination alone. Remember how Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker basically had a mini-match at the end of Rumble 07′ before Taker finally eliminated HBK. That sparked what is now possibly the greatest WrestleMania match at WrestleMania 25. Maybe Undertaker returns at the Rumble, and gets eliminated by Mick Foley. That would spark something for sure (like another 10-foot drop from the top of a Hell In A Cell!).
What’s more interesting though, is the fact that this Rumble is purposely being billed as “the most unpredictable ever” because apparently “any WWE superstar is an eligible contestant”. I’ve been a WWE fan long enough to know that these lines aren’t just a form of marketing. Within those lines lies a not-so-hidden message. My guess is someone who already HAS a match is going to come out AGAIN later that night, enter, and possibly win the Rumble. Dolph Ziggler, maybe? It has happened before. Stone Cold did it once. Whoever it may be, this “special” ruling just amplifies the match’s unpredictability a whole lot more.
Something tells me this year’s Rumble is going to be quite the show, and that’s saying a lot because the event itself will have to live-up to 24 years of older Rumble events to be called “quite the show“. And woah, have there have been some epic Rumble showdowns in the past. Couple this 25th Anniversary celebration with the fact that WrestleMania 28 is already prepped to be massive with one dream-match etched in stone and another rumored feud possibly shaping up soon, and 2012 could turn out to be one of the grandest years in recent history even before half the year is done! I really hope I’m right about this year’s show. It feels like the groundwork for something huge is already in place.
So here’s the wallpaper for the first PPV of the year, which also happens to be the official beginning of the Road to WrestleMania 28. Major thanks to VKM (via WCFR) for the awesome hi-res images. I love making these Rumble wallpapers, especially because they’re jam-packed with so many superstars. Download and enjoy!

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