Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan World Heavyweight Championship Match Wallpaper

The Celtic Warrior vs The Submission Specialist!
“A lot can change in a year“. That’s a line from the opening promo used during a WrestleMania not too long ago. And it’s incredibly true, too. In typical underdog-story fashion, the two men who were booted off the card of last year’s WrestleMania are now in the main-event of this year’s show, and one of them is the World Heavyweight Champion. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!
I’m glad these two are getting this match. I was one of those people who wanted to see them last year because I knew they’d put on a great match. Despite what people say, Sheamus is actually pretty good in the ring. He hits with force, he’s fast, he’s agile…I don’t see what the problem is that fans have with him. Did I like the fact that he won the Royal Rumble? Well, let’s just say he wasn’t my first pick…but neither was Chris Jericho for that matter. But I like that Sheamus winning came as a surprise because that’s how the Rumble should be. And although his mic skills could use some work, I think he has the ability to put on a great match with Daniel Bryan.
What I like more is that this is a one-on-one match. There were rumblings of a Triple Threat World Championship match, which would have been cool if the right superstars were chosen, but since Christian is injured and Alberto Del Rio has only just returned to the ring (let’s not forget he’s a Raw superstar), I’d say this match is good just being left alone as singles competition. I really did not want to see Randy Orton get pushed into this match because let’s face it, Sheamus and Bryan will have to adjust to Orton’s level and it’ll turn out to be a predictable bout. In this scenario, I have no idea who’s going to win. I’d love for Bryan to hold on to the championship because he’s a really good World Champ and it would suck to see him lose his momentum so soon, but Sheamus winning wouldn’t bother me that much either. It’ll just give Bryan a feud to pursue and he’ll probably win it back in a PPV or two…hopefully.
As promised, here’s yet another Road To WrestleMania 28 wallpaper featuring World Champ Daniel Bryan and his opponent at WrestleMania, the Great White Sheamus. There’s a bunch of WrestleMania 28 wallpapers to come, so keep checking back! Download and get into the hype, fellas!

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