A Spectacular Stage 30 Years In The Making!
2013 was already an awesome year for WWE, and what made it more insane was the way it ended; with the return of The Beast, Brock Lesnar, stating his hunger for championship gold, and the surrender of crowd-favorite Daniel Bryan to the methodical mental destruction of Bray Wyatt! We all know where this is leading, and we all know what time it is! It’s January, it’s a new year, and we’re now on the road to sports-entertainment’s greatest event, three decades in the making, WrestleMania 30!
I do this every year and this year is no different. We’re going to kick things off with an epic teaser wallpaper for WrestleMania! This one’s jam-packed with a truckload of today’s top superstars, and then some. And this is just the first of many, many WrestleMania wallpapers to come. Will The Shield still be a unit when the Grandest Stage comes around? Will Daniel Bryan be able to force the machine to its knees with the help of his new kin in the Wyatts? Will Kane stay in the back as Director Of Operations, or will the monster be unleashed at the Showcase Of Immortals?
And what happens when legends like The Undertaker rise once more to lay claim to his yard? What happens if animals like Batista cross paths with beasts like Brock Lesnar? And what happens when icons like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin come home to kick some ass? The possibilities are endless at this point, but the seeds have been planted and the road to arguably the biggest WrestleMania of all time is already underway! And now that there’s only one undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the competition will be stiff and superstars will claw harder, move faster, and work like hell to earn a shot at immortality once the curtains are drawn back at the Mercedes Benz Superdome in New Orleans.
Download this brand new “30 Years In The Making” wallpaper for all your screens and gadgets, folks. I hope you had an amazing New Year, and let’s hope that this year is bigger, better, and more badass than the last.
Happy 2014, everyone!
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