Road to Wrestlemania 29: WWE Royal Rumble 2013 Matchcard Wallpaper

The Road To WrestleMania 29 Begins Here.The cool thing about being a wrestling fan is that the good mood you’re in around Christmas and the holidays and the new year doesn’t really end sometime in January like it does for almost everyone else. For WWE fans, January is the start of the most exciting season of WWE’s calendar year. Everything big begins here. January is where the Road To WrestleMania begins. Feuds that will shape the rest of the year spark around this time. Some will settle by the time 2013 is done. Others will echo throughout the ages. We are at the foothills of WrestleMania 29 and mark my words, the road to The Grandest Stage is going to be epic!
Speaking of epic; The Rock vs CM Punk is finally happening! The best part about this whole angle is that CM Punk is a dominating, fierce competitor who can back himself up on the mic and in the ring. And so can The Rock. That gives both these men a lot of freedom to say and do what they want. They can verbally and physically take each other to hell and back and we, the fans, are the ones who’ll enjoy the ride. The great thing about The Great One is that he isn’t an out-of-shape legend back to make a quick buck. He’s in this because he wants to be in it, and he’s in such perfect shape that he’s a genuine threat to the superstars on the current roster.
This match could end up with The Rock winning and taking home the WWE Championship, or more likely end with an interference by Brad Maddox…or the beast himself, Brock Lesnar. Either way, sh*t’s gonna’ get heavy this Sunday.
I also suspect that Team Hell No will drop the titles at the Rumble. It just seems like they’ve reached the brim of their current stint, and unless they come up with something fresh, it looks like the Rhodes Scholars will be taking the Tag Championships from Kane and Daniel Bryan. I absolutely love Team Hell No, but they’ve been repeating their stuff for quite a while and I’m starting to suspect that it’s time for them to lose those titles. We will either see Kane and Bryan split, or if we’re lucky it’ll force them to try new ways to get the titles back. The second option would be awesome.
As for Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio, I have no idea what’s going to happen. Dolph Ziggler could cash in. I like Del Rio, I really do, but his babyface gimmick is corny and seems rushed, forced, and was executed without tact. It reminds me of Chris Jericho’s sudden anticlimactic babyface turn not too long ago. It doesn’t feel natural and that makes me lose interest. Honestly, I don’t care who wins.
As for the famed Royal Rumble Match itself…I’m glad to say that I don’t have a clue who’ll pick up the win. I don’t care how many rumors are swirling around the internet, when it comes to the Rumble, you just can’t tell who’s going to bag the opportunity to headline WrestleMania. I’m secretly hoping that Stone Cold Steve Austin returns at the Rumble somewhere at #15, earns his spot to challenge a champion of his choice, and then picks CM Punk in the event that Punk retains the title. But hey, if The Rock’s the champion and Stone Cold wins the Rumble, go ahead and challenge The Rock instead! Who wouldn’t want to see that match one more time! It may be a longshot, but a fan can dream, right?
Download and enjoy, fellas. I’m excited beyond belief for the Royal Rumble this Sunday. WrestleMania, here we come!
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